Business Academy South West welcomes Erasmus+ students and students from our partner institutions. A semester abroad is a fantastic chance to broaden your cultural foundation, and it will add value to you as a potential future international employee. Every year Business Academy South West welcomes more than 40 international students in both Esbjerg and Sønderborg.
As an ERASMUS+ student you may choose between the programmes listed in the course catalogue below.
You may also choose between participating in a Spring or Autumn semester or even take a full academic year. Tuition is free of charge.
Language Policy
As an ERASMUS+ student you must have a high level of English. The study programmes, which you can choose between, are taught in English, and we do not offer additional lessons in English. We do not demand an official language test, but we expect applicants to have a level equivalent to for instance Oxford Placement B2 or IELTS 6,0 (overall band) or TOFL 550/213/79-80.
Admission Process
Before you apply
First of all, you need to contact the International Office at your home institution about going on exchange. This is to ensure that your home institution has a bilateral exchange agreement with Business Academy South West.
If your home institution does not have an agreement with Business Academy South West, your International Office can contact us at to explore the opportunity of entering into a bilateral agreement or even come as a “free mover” – which means that you plan the semester abroad without an agreement. In this case you will have to organize everything by yourself.
If you get selected to take a semester or an academic year abroad your home university will send a nomination list to our academy and the international office here at Business Academy South West will inform you directly about the application procedure and send you all relevant documents to apply for study and housing.
Nomination Deadlines
- 1st of June for entry in August/September (Autumn semester)
- 1st of November for entry in January/February (Spring semester)
The processing of your application will be after deadline of applying as we only have a limited number of available study places for Erasmus+ Students. You will receive an official “Letter of Admission” by e-mail from the International Office at Business Academy South West.
What type of housing do we offer?
As an exchange student at Business Academy South West you will be offered housing. We do not offer on-campus accommodation; instead we have access to a number of rooms in dormitories (kollegier) in various parts of Esbjerg, most of them just situated around our academy. These rooms are all furnished with access to kitchen, toilet and bathing facilities. Many Danish and international students from various educational institutions throughout Esbjerg live in dormitories.
If you choose to decline your housing offer, or you do not respond to the housing offer within the deadline stated in the offer, you take on the responsibility of finding housing on your own. As finding housing is quite difficult in Esbjerg – especially from abroad – we advise to accept the offer from the International Office.
Housing period
All exchange students will normally be offered housing for the period of 15th August – 15th January (for the autumn semester) or 15th January – 15th July (for the spring semester). Therefore, you need to pay rent for this six-month period even though you might only study for five months, otherwise it is not possible for us to secure housing for exchange students.
The typical monthly rent for a room in a hall of residence is approximately € 325. Deposit and maintenance fee is approx. € 810. On arrival you will have to pay the first rent and deposit If you accept the housing offer you are required to transfer the deposit and the maintenance fee of approximately € 810. Any damages to your room will be deducted from the deposit. Only the deposit and the maintenance fee are paid to Business Academy South West, as payments for the rent will be made directly to the accommodation office. The monthly transfer of rent will be elaborated on upon arrival.
House rules
When you live in a hall of residence, it is essential to ensure a pleasant and comfortable environment where everyone can live and study. It is important to respect your neighbours and for everyone to take part in the shared responsibilities at the residence.
Upon arrival you will be presented a contract for the dormitory and room you have been selected for. With this contract you also receive the house rules of the dormitory. It is important that you read these rules carefully.
Danish Marking Scale
The ECTS marking scale
ECTS credits indicate the student workload required to complete a course. They reflect the relationship between the quantity of work required for each course and the quantity of work required to complete a full year of academic study at Business Academy South West.
In the ECTS system, 60 points represents the workload for one academic year of study (two semesters), whereas 30 points represents one semester. Points are only granted for completed courses.
12 – A
For an excellent performance displaying a high level of command of all aspects of the relevant material, with no or only a few minor weaknesses.
10 – B
For a very good performance displaying a high level of command of most aspects of the relevant material, with only minor weaknesses.
7 – C
For a good performance displaying a good command of the relevant material but also some weaknesses.
4 – D
For a fair performance displaying some command of the relevant material but also some major weaknesses.
02 – E
For a performance meeting only the minimum requirements of acceptance.
00 – Fx (not passed)
For a performance which does not meet the minimum requirements of acceptance.
-3 – F (not passed)
For a performance which is unacceptable in all respects.
Academic Calendar
Academic calendar Business Academy South West
If you come here on an international exchange, you will usually stay for one or two semesters.
Semesters at Business Academy South West
Business Academy South West´s academic year is divided into two semesters: one starts in Autumn and the other one starts in Spring.
- Spring semester 2023: January 2023 – end of June 2023
- Autumn semester 2023: end of August 2023 – end of December 2023
Breaks at Business Academy South West
- Winter break: week 7: 13th February 2023 – 19th February 2023
- Autumn break: Week 42: 16th October 2023 – 22nd October 2023
During the Spring semester you will also experience a lot of public holidays which vary each year.
Special needs
We welcome students with special needs. If you need special help or the like during your study with BASW, please contact our Erasmus Coordinator Liselotte Kaus,
BA Top-up Degree Program in International Sales & Marketing
Spring semester – 2nd semester: 19. January 2026 – end of June 2026
- International Relations – 10 ECTS
- Electives – 20 ECTS
- International Sales and Marketing – 4 ECTS
- Strategic Organizational Management/SCM – 2,5 ECTS
- Economics – 1,5ECTS
- International Business Law – 1 ECTS
- Methodology – 1 ECTS
There will be 6 electives to choose from (more is on the way):
- Project Management
- Purchase
- Digital Sales Optimization
- Green Energy – Strategies and Challenges
- E-Business
- Intracultural Communication and Culture
Each subject is 5 ECTS 4 must be chosen!
Each theme has a compulsory assignment.
Second semester has a 30-minute oral exam, based on a small project, in the theme “International Relations”. The electives have individual oral exams based on projects.
Learning Agreement
On arrival you hand in your Learning Agreement and according to this you will be registered for the exam automatically.
Transcript of Records and Certificate will be sent to your home address after you return to your home institution.
Computer Science
AP Degree Program in Computer Science
Fall semester: 25th August 2025 – middle of January 2026
- Software Design I – 7,5 ECTS
- IT in Business Organizations I – 5 ECTS
- Software Construction I – 17,5 ECTS
Spring semester: Mid January 2026 – end of June 2026
- Software Design II – 7,5 ECTS
- IT in Business Organizations II – 5 ECTS
- Databases and Operating systems – 5 ECTS
- Software Construction II – 12,5 ECTS
*Erasmus students can enter 1st semester and 2nd semester – but cannot take 2nd semester only. If you take both semesters the total of 60 ECTS will be examined in June 2026.
Spring semester Mid January 2026 – end of June 2026
Specialization* – 30 ECTS
* The specialization are courses chosen by the students in the class.
Examples of electives – can change:
- Autonomous Agents
- Mobile Apps
- Network / Datacenter
- Cyber security
- Advanced Web Apps
After each semester there will be an exam – either written or oral in each subject for all Erasmus Exchange students – the exam can also be developed as a project.
Learning Agreement
Before arrival you hand in your Learning Agreement and according to this you will be registered for the exams.
Transcript of Records and Erasmus Certificate will be sent to your home address after you return to your home institution.
Multimedia Design
AP Degree Program in Multimedia Design
Fall semester – 1st semester: 25th of August 2025 until middle of January 2026
- Design & Development – 10 ECTS
- Content Creation – 7,5 ECTS
- User Experience – 7,5 ECTS
- Photography and video production– 5 ECTS
Spring semester – 2nd semester: 26th January 2026 until end of June 2026
- Design & Development – 7,5 ECTS
- User Interface/User Experience – 7,5 ECTS
- CMS (Content Management Systems) Basic – 5 ECTS
- Content Creation – 5 ECTS
- Video Production – 5 ECTS
*Erasmus students entering the 2nd semester of Multimedia Design must have basic knowledge of programming and coding (HTML5, CSS, Java).
Fall semester – 3rd semester: 14th August 2025 until end of December 2025
Mandatory subjects:
- CMS (Content Management Systems) – 7.5 ECTS
- Digital Marketing – 7.5 ECTS
Electives (choose three cources: 3 * 5 ECTS = 15 ECTS)
- Advanced JS App (5 ECTS)
- Version Control & Techinal SEO (5 ECTS)
- DTP adobe (5 ECTS)
- VR Development (5 ECTS)
- Drone pilot (5 ECTS)
- Entrepreneurship (5 ECTS)
- Inclusive development (5 ECTS)
At 1st and 2nd semester you will be graded individually based on a project exam in groups where all courses will be included (written hand-in + oral exam). One exam for each semester.
At 3rd semester you will be graded individually in a group project including the courses CMS and Digital Marketing. Furthermore, you will be graded in each course within your chosen elective courses.
Learning Agreement
Before arrival you hand in your Learning Agreement and according to this, you will be registered for the exams.
Transcript of Records and Erasmus Certificate will be sent to your home address after you return to your home institution.
Web Development
BA Top-up Degree Program in Web Development
2nd Semester – 30 ECTS
Spring semester – 2nd semester: 15th January 2026 until end of June 2026
- Full Stack Development – 15 ECTS
- Web Technologies – 5 ECTS
- Development Environments – 10 ECTS
At the conclusion of the semester there will be exams – either written and/or oral – in each module for all Erasmus exchange students. However, in some instances a project exam including all/some modules is also possible. No matter the form of exam you will get a grade in each of the completed modules.
Learning Agreement
Before arrival you hand in your Learning Agreement and according to this you will be registered for the exams.
Transcript of records will be sent to your home address after you return to your home institution.
Software Development
BA Top-up Degree Program in Software Development
1st semester – 30 ECTS
Spring semester – 1st semester: 21st January 2026 until end of June 2026
- Databases for developers – 10 ECTS
- System Integration – 10 ECTS
- Development of large systems – 10 ECTS
2nd semester – 30 ECTS
Fall semester – 2nd semester: 14th August 2025 until end of December 2025
- Test – 10 ECTS
- Parrallel Programming – 5 ECTS
- Machine Learning – 5 ECTS
- Discrete Mathematics – 5 ECTS
For those completing Discrete Mathematics:
Syntax & Semantics – EXTRA 5 ECTS
Each course have an oral exam at the end of the semester.
Learning Agreement
Before arrival you hand in your Learning Agreement and according to this you will be registered for the exams.
Transcript of Records and Certificate will be sent to your home address after you return to your home institution.